Thursday, February 01, 2007

My 4th Grade Era

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Chapter 2 I Get Selective Mutism

My 4th Grade Era

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In this way, my 4th grade era ended. I underwent many miserable experience during the year.

* I was suddenly compelled to move against my will.

* I got selective mutism when I entered a new school.

* I was severely bullied in the school.

* A friend of mine who saved me from bullying transferred soon after I got acquainted with him.

* My father passed away.

* I changed school again, but my mutism got worse.

As my father passed away, I became an eldest son of a fatherless family. As an eldest son, I had a desire to study hard to enter a prestigious university, get into a reputable company and marry with a good woman so as to rebuild my family. My mother and relatives also said to me, "You have to help your mother."

But I was a child with selective mutism. I felt anxious about my future. Can I rebuild my family?

What was worse was that my self-esteem lowered during the year. I felt gloomy every day. I believed that I was a worthless boy and the world would be better off without me.

Under such circumstances, I was promoted to the 5th grade.

(To be continued on the next chapter)

Index of SM story