Thursday, August 31, 2006

Demands for Support for Selectively Mute Children

How often words and phrases related to selective mutism are searched for?


selective mutism : 71.0/day
mutism : 17.0/day
elective mutism : 8.0/day
selective mutism in child : 5.0/day
selective mutism therapy : 1.7/day


mutismus : 4.3/day
selektiver mutismus : 2.7/day
mutismus fallbeispiel : 1.4/day
mutismus schule fallbeispiel : 0.6/day
mutismus de : 0.3/day
musiktherapie mutismus : 0.3/day
mutismus therapie : 0.3/day
behandlung mutismus : 0.3/day


緘黙 : 123.4/day
場面緘黙 : 42.8/day
場面緘黙症 : 29.1/day
緘黙症 : 28.5/day
選択性緘黙 : 8.7/day

(Data from Wordtracker, retrieved August 31, 2006)
(I'm sorry if the above characters are garbled)

I was surprised. There are so many Japanese Internet users who search for the words and phrases related to selective mutism.

According to comScore World Metrix, online populations in Japan are estimated about 52.1 million (March 2006.) On the other hand, US are 152.0 million, UK are 30.2 million. Germany are 31.8 million.

This data suggests that there can be so many demands for information about selective mutism in Japan, compared with in other countries. But Japanese information is poorer than US, UK and Germany. Strong support group, like Selective Mutism Group Inc, Selective Mutism Foundation, Selective Mutism Information and Research Association and Mutismus Selbsthilfe Deutschland e. V., doesn't exist.

Some Japanese think the reason why the support for selective mutism in Japan is poor is that there are few demands. But I doubt it.

Index of SM in Japan