Thursday, August 17, 2006

Selective Mutism in the World

場面緘黙症 (Japanese)
선택적 함묵증 (Korean)
选择性缄默症 (Simplified Chinese)
избирательный мутизм (Russian)
selectief mutisme (Dutch)
mutisme sélectif (French)
selektiver Mutismus (German)
selektiivinen mutismi (Finnish)
selective mutism (English)

(I'm sorry if the above characteres are garbled)

I tried to read websites about selective mutism in various languages, except for English and Japanese, through Excite translator (Japanese) and Babelfish translator.

Here are some findings:

[There Are Not So Much Differences in Explanation of Selective Mutism among Countries]

It may be natural, because symptoms of mental disorder in general are not so much different among countries.

[Little Information, Little Communities]

There are little information about selectivfe mutism. In many countries no books on selective mutism are published.

Some websites ' explanations are translation from English. I think no other countries' websites have more information about selective mutism than English speaking countries' ones.

The number of communities, such as forums, BBSes, etc. is also limited.

[Many Books on Selective Mutism in German]

But Germany is exceptional. The self-help group "Mutismus Selbsthilfe Deutschland eV" and its web site exists. In addition, many German books on selective mutism are published.

* Boris Hartmann. Gesichter des Schweigens - die systemische Mutismus-Therapie. SYMUT als Therapiealternative (Faces of Silence - Systemic Therapy of Mutism. SYMUT as Therapy Alternative)

* Boris Hartmann. Mutismus im Kindes-, Jugend- und Erwachsenenalter (Mutism in Child, Youth and Adult Age )

* Nitza Katz-Bernstein. Selektiver Mutismus bei Kindern. Erscheinungsbilder, Diagnostik, Therapie (Selective Mutism with Children. Appearances, Diagnostics, Therapy)

* Otto Dobslaff. Mutismus in der Schule. Erscheinung und Therapie (Mutism in School. Appearnce and Therapy)

* Reiner Bahr. Wenn Kinder schweigen. Redehemmungen verstehen und behandeln. Ein Praxisbuch (If Children are Silent. Understainding and Treating Speech Inhibitions. A Practice Book)

* Reiner Bahr. Schweigende Kinder verstehen. Kommunikation und Bewaeltigung beim selektiven Mutismus (Understainding Silent Children. Communication and Overcoming Selective Mutism)

* Boris Hartmann. Mutismus. Zur Theorie und Kasuistik des totalen und elektiven Mutismus (Mutism. The Theory and Case Reports of the Total and Elektive Mutism)

English names are translated by me, though I'm not good at German.

[Japanese Trend?]

I can find many Japanese websites (including blogs) managed by mothers who have selectively mute children. Websites written by people who suffered or suffer selective mutism also popular.

But from what I found, this is only Japanese trend.