Thursday, October 26, 2006

I Get Selective Mutism (1)

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Chapter 2 I Get Selective Mutism

I Get Selective Mutism (1)

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In the new school, I couldn't speak as I used to. From then my life with selective mutism started.

[What Caused Me to Get Mute?]

To the best of my memory,

a) I was awfully nervous about the new environment
b) I couldn't get used to the atmosphere of the classroom
c) I was bullied

I suppose the above factors caused me to get mute.

[The Atmosphere of the Classroom]

I was puzzled by the atmosphere of the classroom. Many classmates seemed to be rough unlike previous ones. Being a timid boy, I couldn't get used to the atmosphere of the classroom.

In addition, I was extremely shocked by being called my name without an honorifics. It may be funny for you, but for me it was serious problem. In the previous school, I was firmly taught not to call children's names without honorifics.

(To be continued)

Index of SM story