Thursday, October 12, 2006

Changing School (1)

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Chapter 2 I Get Selective Mutism

Changing School (1)

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In the previous chapter I was a shy boy, but not selective mutism. In this chapter I got mute.


"We family will move from here."

My mother told me a shocking plan which will change my destiny.

It was April. I had just gone into the 4th grade (Unlike in the US, Back to School Day in Japan is April.)

According to my mother, details were such as below.

a) We'll move from here to relatives on my father's side's house in another prefecture, because my father will transfer to another hospital.

b) I will also transfer to another school.

c) By the time my father will recover from his illness, my family will share relatives' house.

I felt anxiety about moving from familiar environment to alien one. But I child was obliged to obey the plan decided by adult.

[Classmates' Cold Attitude]

My mother told the moving plan to my homeroom teacher. And the teacher told the plan to my classmates. But they didn't seem to be interested in my moving. It wasn't odd, because I had few friends due to my shyness.

At the end of April, I left my familiar school and town.

(To be continued)