Sunday, June 01, 2008

Counseling organization on selective mutism (Japan)

These Japanese institutions provide support for children with selective mutism.

[Education Center]

Education Center is under city, prefectural or university management. EC offers several services. For instance, teacher training, research on education, educational counseling, etc.

Parents and children with selective mutism can receive counseling and psychotherapy at EC. EC sometimes publishes researches on selective mutism.

[Child Consultation Center]

Child Consultation Center is mostly under prefectural management, and partly under city management. CCC provides consultation services for guardians who have children with various problems, including selective mutism. In recent years an increasing number of Japanese people have consulted CCC about child abuse. Children with selective mutism can receive counseling and psychotherapy at CCC.

[Special Speech Class]

SSC is established for children with speech impediment, emotional disturbance, amblyopia, hearing impairment, etc. Children with selective mutism can also enroll in SSC (See Emotional disturbance).

As far as I heard, there's a lot of competition for enrollment in SSC. In addition, not all parents know SSC. So, I guess only small number of children with selective mutism enroll in SSC.

[Residential Treatment Center for Emotionally Disturbed Children]

RTCEDC is an institution that aims to treat mildly emotionally disturbed children, including selectively mute children. Sometimes they live in the center to treat disturbance. RTCEDC is under public or private management. According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, there are 31 RTCEDC in Japan, and 1,131 children lived or went there as of October 1, 2006.

Index of SM in Japan