Thursday, August 30, 2007

Virginia tech shooting and selective mutism

The Wall Street Journal reported August 20 that Seung Hui Cho, the Virginia Tech gunman, was diagnosed with selective mutism.

The news spread. The Washington Post, USA Today, International Herald Tribune, Associated Press, ABC News also reported the relationship between Cho and selective mutism.

When I searched "selective mutism" on Google, a picture of Cho was displayed on the search result. I was surprised. The picture was from The Washington Post web site.

Dr Elisa Shipon-Blum's comments were appeared on ABC News and, a web site of a Virginia-based newspaper.

But as far as I know, no Japanese media report Cho's selective mutism. So, I reported that on my Japanese blog "The Selective Mutism Journal".

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Before The Wall Street Journal's report, some people guessed that Cho suffered from selective mutism. sent out a press release on April. The press release suggested the possibility that Cho suffered from selective mutism.