Thursday, April 19, 2007

My favorite subjects

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Chapter 3 I suffer from severe selective mutism

My favorite subjects

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What subjects was I good at when I was the 5th and 6th grade?

[I was very good at ...]

* arithmetic

I have only a few friends to play with. So, I often solved arithmetic problems during a break between classes.

* social studies

When I was the 5th grade, my homeroom teacher taught us Japanese history in social studies classes. It was the first time I had studied Japanese history in school, and it was really fascinating for me.

When I was promoted to the 6th grade, I learned politics and economy. I was very surprised to know a concept "human rights." The constitution of Japan guarantees my fundamental human rights. Until then, I believed that I was insignificant.

[I was good at...]

* Japanese language

* science

* music

I was good at playing the recorder. So, my music performance was good when we learned recorder. But when we learned singing, my performance wasn't good. I didn't know how my music teacher measured my singing performance. I was a child with selective mutism.

[I wasn't good at...]

* physical education

* art

* home economics

I wasn't good at subjects about practical skills.

(To be continued)

Index of SM story