Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Changing School Worsen My Mutism

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Chapter 2 I Get Selective Mutism

Changing School Worsen My Mutism

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[Changing School Worsen My Mutism]

It was the first day of the third school term. My new school life in C elementary school started. I didn't want to be a selectively mute child again in this new school.

But ironically, my selective mutism got worse in this new school.

New class's atmosphere was warmer than previous class' one. Many classmates had a warm relationship with me. On the other hand, few children bullied me.

I'd believed that bullying caused me selective mutism. But my mutism worsened even in this warm class.

I worried about bullying rather than selective mutism. My attention, however, have focused more on my mutism since this day.

(To be continued)

Index of SM story