Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Mutism identity

One Japanese psychiatrist proposed a concept "mutism identity" in his paper (Araki, 1979).

If children with selective mutism continue to be mute, some of them finally think living with mutism is a lifestyle they elect (mutism identity), for instance, "I decided to do nothing to creative until I got to be able to speak. (case 22)"

I can partly sympathize with him. When I had selective mutism, I gradually thought my mutism was an identity.

That was a hindrance for me to overcome my selective mutism, because suppose my mutism was an identity, disappearing mutism meant I lose my identity. So, it was fearful for me to overcome selective mutism.

But I didn't know selective mutism at that time. If I knew I didn't speak because I suffered from an anxiety disorder "selective mutism," maybe I didn't think my mutism was an identy. But I would have thought my mutism was a kind of mental illness that could be treated.

This is just my case. I don't know whether other children or young people with prolonged mutism also think mutism as their identity.


Araki, F. (1979). Some psychopathological observations on mutism originating in childhood. Japanese Journal of Child Psychiatry, 20(5), 290-304.

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