Monday, May 07, 2007

Commemorative writings

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Chapter 3 I suffer from severe selective mutism

Commemorative writings

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At the end of the fifth grade, my homeroom teacher had us write compositions about our school life. Then he had us gather them and edit "commemorative writings" of our class.

We managed to complete editing them before the last day of the final school term.

[My composition]

I read my composition several years ago. I felt embarrassed. It was pretty immature. But other classmates' ones were mature. Compositions reflected children's mental maturity.

I had felt that I was more immature than children of the same age since entering kindergarten. Even when I was promoted to the fifth grade, I was still immature as ever.

[Cartoon of me?]

The cover of the commemorative writings was cartoon drawn by M, a classmate girl who lived nearby a friend of mine K's house. She draws classmates presenting their compositions.

In her cartoon, one anxious boy was drawn. He waited his turn to present his compositions, but his heart was beating fast. By his appearance, he seemed shy. Some classmates said, "Maybe this shy boy was Tomishige."

(To be continued)

Index of SM story