Thursday, November 06, 2008

Famous people who once suffered from selective mutism?

I don't know famous people who once suffered from selective mutism well.

I guess the most famous person is Cho Seung Hui, a South Korean man who committed mass murder at Virginia Tech and suicide in 2007. I have a mixed feeling. Because of the event, a former sufferer of selective mutism became famous and the term "selective mutism" appeared in the media over and over again. But it's mass murder. Massacre.

But in Japan only one newspaper reported the fact that Cho suffered from selective mutism. So, the event didn't raise awareness of selective mutism in Japan.

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Why don't we know famous people who once suffered from selective mutism?

One possible reason is simply that there are no former selective mutism sufferers who become famous. That means it's extremely difficult for them to become famous.

Another possible reason is that there are many former sufferers who become famous, but it's virtually unknown for some reason.

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If we know famous people who once suffered from selective mutism, we may be relieved our worries about the disorder or be encouraged.