Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Severe bullying

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Chapter 4 Selective mutism and my junior high school years

Severe bullying

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The ninth grade was one of the most important period of school life. We needed to decide our future course. Most students wished to go to high school and studied hard to pass entrance exams. I also studied hard to go to high school.

At such an important period, I was bullied by some male classmates almost every day. Fortunately, some kind female classmates helped me. But that aroused jealousy of male bullies, and their bullying got severe. One teacher told me that bullies were irritated because they had to study hard every day.

My self-esteem was damaged. I felt that I didn't deserve of going to junior high school and studying with classmates.

In addition to that, I had a problem at home. That also bothered me.

My grades were falling. My distress from bullying and family problems may have caused my academic failure. But that's no excuse.

(To be continued)

Index of SM story